Vegan MoFo 2017 Day 18: Unicone cupcakes

Today is chocolate cupcake day, one of many of my most favorite days.


These chocolate cupcakes are stored in an edible container. Ice-cream cones! They’re easy to make gluten free as well if you have a good chocolate cake recipe and gluten-free cones. We actually used gluten-free wafer cones with the gluten-full flour in the cake.


They were topped with a vegan buttercream frosting mixed with a bit of acai powder to give it a slightly purple tint, sugary sprinkles, and a dollar store lollipop that had the stick mostly cut off as the unicorn horn.

This is an easy way to reinvent your favorite chocolate cupcake recipe. When baked in the cone they may come out a bit fudgy in the middle, which makes it even more delicious. If you try this, be sure to rest the cones filled with the cake inside muffin tins so they don’t fall over.

Personally, I’m not sure how unicorny these look, but they’re still cute. And delicious.

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